Mother From Green Bay Sells American Flags Made From Wooden Pallets

A Mother From Green Bay Sells American Flags Made From Wooden Pallets to Attend Son’s Graduation

A mother from Green Bay has been making decorative American flags out of wooden pallets.

She wants to attend her son’s graduation from Army basic training, and she’s saving the proceeds from the sales of these decorative American flag wooden pallets to travel to Georgia.

Jennifer Chaudoir, the mother from Green Bay said, “I am so proud of my son.”

“We miss him so much and we hope to see him soon,” she continued.

Jennifer was really saddened when his son, John, left for boot camp in February.

Jennifer is self-employed and her family has no other source of income. It really became hard on her when she got sick. She became unemployed for the months that followed.

She and her children wanted to attend their sons’ graduation but they didn’t know where they would get the money for travel.

They have a minivan, but travelling for more than 1,000 miles will take them almost a day to reach their destination. And they certainly will need money for gasoline, food and other basic necessities.

“It will take us 1,000 miles or more to reach Fort Benning in Georgia,” she said, “And travel time may take us at least 16 hours.”

But Jennifer and her children are determined to attend John’s graduation on July 6 this year. And they are prepared to do anything to see John on his graduation.

Unemployed and faced with unpaid house rents and bills, she came up with a brilliant idea on how to raise the needed funds.

“May prayers were answered,” she said. And she came up with the idea to sell decorative American flags made from wooden pallets. She is confident that donors will rally behind
the cause of her fundraising.

Armed with her fundraising idea, the family started decorating wooden pallets using spray paint and turning them into decorative American Flags.

Jennifer said that if they could sell at least 10 of these decorative American flag pallets, they can save enough money to attend their son’s graduation.

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